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Eco-friendly Wedding Ideas

Eco-friendly Wedding Ideas

Happy Earth Day, everyone! While the weather might not be the prettiest, we hope you’ll take the time to hug an extra tree or two today. In the hopes of getting everyone in the eco-friendly frame of mind, we’ve gathered together some easy tips and projects to make going green for your wedding more accessible than you’d think.

eco-friendly wedding ideas

Clockwise, starting from top left:
1. Use recycled resources to create your own ceremony stage. While this may look a bit daunting, the results are extraordinary!
2. Reuse fabric scraps in unexpected places. Pieces of rick rack trim can turn into adorable boutonnieres!
3. Use 100% recycled materials to create eye-catching decor. With items from Ikea and your local craft store, you can easily fabricate unique sources of light.
4. Have place cards double as wedding favors — follow the example of this fantastic place card terrarium.
5. Soy, soy, soy! Use soy to create wonderful-smelling candle favors.

eco-friendly wedding ideas

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Clockwise, starting from top left:
1. Use recyclable objects. Gather various vases, jars, and tins that can be used again afterwards, and decorate them with reusable fabrics.
2. Wear a vintage wedding gown. Whether it’s a family heirloom or a thrift-store pick-up, conserve resources by utilizing pre-made garments.
3. Give eco-friendly favors. Encourage your guests to give back to the earth by offering up wildflower seeds in unique containers.
4. Stockpile recyclable objects to reuse as wedding decor. Gather plastic and glass objects to create unforgettable chandeliers and centerpieces!
5. Use fabric scraps to create ribbon wands for your send-off.

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