Vintage Typewriter
So I may have done something a little crazy. I just put a bid on a vintage typewriter I found on ebay.
How awesome would it be for the guest book? Just imagine a stack of nice thick paper in a box next to the typewriter. Guests can type up their messages to us, and afterward, we could have it bound as a book. (Jay had some papers bound a while back and it was very cheap – $5! Any copy shop can do it)
Here was my inspiration:
I found a website that sells an array of different vintage typewriters, along with supplies – ribbon, ink, what-have-you. Very aptly named: The Vintage Typewriter Shoppe. There were also more on ebay that were a little more in my price range.
After doing a little snooping around, I found all sorts of different jewelry and crafts related to vintage typewriter keys. Like this etsy seller.
I mean, how cute is this?
And finally, found this picture on A Practical Wedding.
Do I sense a theme coming on? My head is spinning with the possibilities.