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Flowers for Your Hair

Flowers for Your Hair

Sarah Winward of Honey of a Thousand Flowers is back with another installment of wedding flowers, and today we are all about using them as hair accessories! Thanks Diana Palmer of Yan Photography for the lovely images.

Wearing flowers in your hair for your wedding day is definitely a growing trend. It is feminine, delicate, and a pretty finishing touch for your hair. I love all of the fun headbands and pieces around that are of fabric flowers, but there is something so elegant about fresh flowers in a woman’s hair on her wedding day. Perhaps it is sort of the fleeting beauty of flowers that make us so drawn to them….the flowers in your hair will only last for the day of your wedding, and that is why they are so special.

One way of wearing flowers in your hair is with a flower crown. This one is very simple and is made of jasmine vine. I think this is perfect for a free spirited outdoor wedding. Halos are relatively fuss-free because they don’t weight a lot and the weight that they do have is distributed evenly around your head. Lavender, Rosemary, and really any other green are great for simple halos like this. Or you can use small buds from any other flower to make a fuller crown.

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You can also have your florist make your hairpiece on a comb. The combinations and possibilities are endless! Talk with your florist about flowers that will last well out of water, because it is likely that the blooms on a flower comb will be bigger than those you would use on a halo. I like flowers placed around messy buns or an updo. This will also give you something structural to put the comb into. This one is made of zinnia, jasmine vine greens, and ranunculus buds. It is relatively small but when you wire flowers to combs you can use big blooms too for a more dramatic looking statement piece if you’d like. You can have flowers put on headbands so that they are along the front or side of your face, or have them put on ribbon that will be like a tied headband. Just remember that flowers are heavy, so the bigger the flowers are, the more stability they will need. With bigger pieces you may need a hair stylist and their bag of tricks to make sure it is placed securely! No one wants to lose their hair piece on the dance floor 🙂

Image credit: Diana Palmer of Yan Photography

View Comments (7)
  • I am all over fresh flowers in a brides hair! I really love that brides are taking the fresh flower halo back from flower-girls. The fuss-examples here are perfect!

  • I love fresh flowers in a bride’s hair. After I removed the veil I wore for our ceremony I had 3 gardenias added to my hair for our reception.

  • If you want a longer-lasting option, I have vine crowns in my shop with dried and faux flowers 🙂

  • What a great idea. Would like something purple though. Reminds of that Sandi Thom song ‘Punkrocker’.

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