DIY Word Search Tea Towel
Who doesn’t love a great word search? This fun DIY brought to us by the fabulous Anniemade serves two great purposes as a gift and gift packaging. With some simple iron-on transfer paper and a little imagination, you can create a tea towel that becomes both a keepsake and the perfect way to wrap up a gift for any bride, groom, or special person in your wedding party. Cute and totally customizable, read on to see how you can make your very own!
Supplies Needed:
– Plain tea towels (ours are Tekla from Ikea)
– 3 and 1/4 sheets of 8.5 x 11″ Light iron-on printable transfer paper
– Wedding Word Search 8.5 x 11″ template OR create your own word search here
– Iron
– Scissors
– Red fabric paint pen (optional)
1. Design: You can use our template full of great customizable wedding words or you can use a word search creator online to create your own and customize it with your names and more. If you create your own, make sure to size it to 8.5 x 11″ and to flip your text horizontally so it’s mirrored/reversed and will transfer onto your towel properly. You may also want to create a small “word key” to iron on the bottom so your gift recipient can have fun looking for more hidden words. Just make sure to horizontally flip your text for this too. Ours is on the second page of the template.
2. Printing and preparing: Print our 8.5 x 11″ template or your own puzzle on sheets of Iron-On transfer paper. Here we used the same template three times to fill the towel, but you can also make a larger word search and try out different sizes. If you’d like, also print the second template to add the word key at the very bottom of your towel. Cut any excess paper and round the edges of the transfer.
3. Ironing: Prep your towel with an iron set on Cotton with no steam. When your towel is flat, iron your first transfer on at the top center of the towel.
Press down across your transfer with equal pressure for a good 90 seconds to 2 minutes. Allow to cool for 2 minutes, then carefully peel back the transfer. If it doesn’t come up easily or some of the transfer seems to be failing, push the transfer paper back and keep pressing with the iron.
If you’re doing more than one transfer sheet like we did, just repeat the above process by carefully placing the transfer beneath the last one on the towel so the design is seamless. Be careful not to press your iron on the transfer you just did as it can melt the ink. Finish by pressing your word key transfer at the very bottom center of the towel.
4. Check your iron-on transfer paper directions for how to best to treat to the towel and whether it can be washed, etc. You can your custom towel as wedding favors, out of town guest gifts to wrap a bottle of wine, a cookbook with a wooden spoon as a wedding gift etc.
View all step-by-step photos
Anniemade is based in Los Angeles and is currently accepting bookings for custom wedding paper goods and projects.
This is such a cute idea! Could even be used to do Monograms for newly weds! I like how they wrapped a bottle of wine in it, perfect for a dinner party gift!
Great idea for a wedding/shower gift, or it might even work on fabric that will be used to make a baby’s burp cloth.
I love this DIY! Genius.
This is such a great idea! I will definitely share this with my brides!
Lovely gift! I really like this personalized wedding gift. It’s a great way to make feel someone special and lovable. I always prefer to give a personalized or DIY gifts to my friends as these are cost effective but very effective and heart touching.
Good Post ! Thank you !
Thx for post!
So very cool!