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Whimsical Castle Wedding

Whimsical Castle Wedding

This wedding brings together the best of both worlds: A+ vendors and DIY charm. The couple, Anna and Jeremy, brought their love of the outdoors to their wedding, utilizing lush moss, little birdies, and, of course, the plentiful trees surrounding their venue. Oh, and… they were married in a castle. Cool much? Top it all off, they used one of Carolynn of Two Brunettes’ downloads for their wedding paper goods. We will be adding an editable version of these darling free downloads this afternoon, so check back soon for the release. Thanks to Sophie Jacobson of Love Bucket Photo for sharing her photos with us!

vintage outdoors diy weddingvintage outdoors diy wedding

From the bride, Anna: We really love nature and the outdoors, so we wanted to incorporate that in as many ways as we could. We used lots of moss, trees, and little birds. I took a lot of inspiration from wedding blogs and used things other people did, but adapted them to fit our color theme. I am also a really crafty person, so wanted to make as much as I could, which ended up being all of the decorations… I wanted the opportunity to get better at things like sewing, so I sewed a lot! In the end, the inspiration was ourselves! We wanted the wedding to really represent us.

vintage outdoors diy weddingvintage outdoors diy wedding

After the ceremony Jeremy and I went up to the “bridal suite” and just took a few minutes together. We cried together about being married and how happy we were. I was nice to take that time away right after.

vintage outdoors diy weddingvintage outdoors diy wedding

vintage outdoors diy wedding

Anna’s advice for future brides: Make sure your dress is comfortable. Also, make sure you enjoy yourself and focus on the marriage. Since we put so much work into it, I was more concerned about everyone else having a good time, and it was hard for me to really relax until it was all over. Oh, also, you should LOVE your vendors. They are so involved in your day that you want them to feel invested in the wedding, and really a part of it.

vintage outdoors diy weddingvintage outdoors diy wedding

vintage outdoors diy wedding

The groom, Jeremy, describes his favorite memory of the wedding day: Sitting by myself after getting dressed and making a short video for my wife-to-be on my iPhone about how much I loved her and how I couldn’t wait to be her husband for the rest of my life. I sent it to her just before I walked down the aisle.

vintage outdoors diy weddingvintage outdoors diy wedding

vintage outdoors diy wedding

Jeremy, the groom, also includes his advice for brides and grooms alike: My advice would be to enjoy the experience as much as possible. It’s oftentimes easy to get wrapped up in the financial or planning aspects of a wedding, but when it all comes together on your wedding day and you finally see the fruits of your labor – it all becomes worth it.

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vintage outdoors diy weddingvintage outdoors diy wedding

vintage outdoors diy wedding

vintage outdoors diy weddingvintage outdoors diy wedding

vintage outdoors diy wedding

View more images from this wedding

Wedding vendors (Agoura Hills, California):

Reception venue: Lobo Castle / Wedding photographer: Sophie Jacobson of Love Bucket Photo / Event planner: Theresa Shlimanoff of Hustle & Bustle / Wedding cake designer: Gigi Bobb Bakery / Wedding dress: Monique Luo / Photobooth: Vintage Booth / Wedding music: Harry and the Hitmen / Wedding flowers: done by bride / Wedding paper goods: Designed by Two Brunettes, available for download here

View Comments (18)
  • I loved his favorite memory! Sending an iphone video to his soon-to-be bride!! So much about technology drives me crazy nowadays but little things like this make me smile so big. If you’re gonna’ have an iphone and send videos to people, this is the way to do it!

    Also the wedding is adorable! Thanks for the post!

  • This has to be the most romantic wedding ever! Great job! I would love to find out where you got your head piece and the house? Please email me. I just love everything about it!

  • Ooo I love all the DIY projects. So cute!

  • Lovely venue.
    Bonus:The photo with the bridesmaids sending kisses and the groom standing like a rock is really funny 🙂

  • I LOVE this hair! That is exactly what I was envisioning for mine. SO pretty! 🙂

  • @Prosklitiria – those are actually my sisters. We didn’t have a wedding party.

  • @Anna Thank you Anna do you know which vendor perhaps?

  • @Deborah- The house was purchased from DoorCountyWoodworks, and the headpiece from whichgoose.

  • This has to be the most romantic wedding ever! Great job! I would love to find out where you got your head piece and the house? Please email me. I just love everything about it!

  • Lovely and heart-felt wedding. Did you get married and have the reception at Lobo Castle? All the best and much bliss, H.

  • Wow, amazing I love every part of it but how did you make those big purple flowers on the steps, so awesome!

  • Hi,
    I absolutely LOVE your just married post box – please can you tell me where you bought it as i’d really like one for my wedding in December.

    Really hope you can help – it is fantastic!


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