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Well Wed

Well Wed


When not shilling for the man at my real job or freelance writing for various publications, I blog and write for Vermont Vows and their sister publications WellWed Hamptons, NY, and Cape Cod & The Islands. Shameless self promotion it may be, if you live in the greater Northeast and are planning a wedding I highly recommend picking up one of these mag’s.  They’re chock a block full of fabulous ideas, inspiring images, and not half bad editorial content (from, ahem, me..and others).

More importantly the editor, Krista Washburn, and her team put on the most amazing bridal events you’ve ever seen and they have some coming up.

The Hamptons A Wedding Affair – February 21, at Oheka Castle in Huntington, NY

The Cape & Islands A Wedding Affair – March 7, at Ocean Ridge Resort in Brewster, MA

See Also

I’m not lying to you when I say these are well worth the visit. I went to their Vermont Wedding Affair this fall and it was like no other. Free food, fabulous gift bags and goodies, and plenty of fantastic wedding ideas.

Tickets are limited to 100 brides per event and are$35 per couple & $25 per single ticket. For more information check it out here:

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