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Kitschy Madeira Wedding

Kitschy Madeira Wedding

Today we’re featuring a beautiful Portuguese wedding submitted by the bride, Catarina, who describes it as “vintage” and “kitschy”, and I totally agree! Her ruffled pink dress is fabulous – she’s a fashion designer who chose a perfectly chic and retro dress! Dário, her husband, is a graphic designer and created their wedding logos and those adorable valentine seating cards. If Amelie was getting married, she would look like Catarina 🙂

Catarina says: The wedding took place in Funchal, a city from Madeira, a beautiful island in Portugal where my husband was born. We wanted it to have a “kitsch” and “vintage” mood and the venue with a disco ball and mirrors was perfect!

vintage pink ruffled wedding dress
amelie vintage inspired bride birdcage veil
offbeat groom red bowtie black shirt
vintage bride in car pink ruffled wedding dress
vintage wedding dress corset
offbeat vintage bride groom

A vintage picture of Madeira was the scenario for photos with friends and family, and the mustaches added some fun to the party.

vintage wedding dress veil
wedding dress ballerina flats

Our guests could see which was their table in lovely vintage valentine cards, and found little typical Portuguese tiles with the respective number on the table. The cards were also for them to leave us a message.

vintage valentines day postcards wedding escort cards

See Also

It is a tipical restaurant from Madeira and we even had a performance from the dancers of “Bailinho da Madeira”, the typical dance of the island. We prepared a few surprises, such as a special transmission of radio and a video about us and our love story.

vintage pink ruffled wedding dress
vintage ruffled wedding dress

Wedding Vendors (Funchal, Madeira, Portugal):

Photographer: Fábio Teixeira / Wedding dress: Storytailors / Bride and Groom’s hats made by: Fábrica dos Chapéus / Bride’s shoes: Killah / Hair and make up: Ricardo Cecílio from Angels hair salon, Funchal. / Groom’s suit: H&M / Groom’s shoes: Converse / Venue: A Parreira

View Comments (14)
  • ooohhhh I love kitsch. and I am so in love with her dress. I want it! Only in white!!! PERFECTION!!!

  • Thanks Amanda, it’s beautiful!
    And thank you all for your lovely comments.

    I love to remember this special day, it was so great!
    A lot of people say I look like Amelie. It’s funny because it’s one of my favourite movies 🙂

  • Her hairpiece and dress are gorgeous. Love the vintage valentine day cards, what a creatively fun idea.

  • “Gangsta Bride”, I’m glad you liked their dresses bacause I made it myself! I think the dresses were so beautiful and matching each one’s personality.

    If you want to see my work, I have a new website comming up, but you can visit the old one meanwhile:


  • oooh absolutely stunning and the BEST location for a wedding I ADORE Funchal! I just love your outfit and your vintage theme! In fact we have just returned from a week in Funchal and after visiting since I was only 11 years old, was privy to a Madeiran wedding for the very first time when we dined out on Saturday evening at the Fort. How I would love to open a wedding cake busines in Madeira … one day xxx

  • I’m going to write in Portuguese because is mine and the couple language, ok?!

    Não pude deixar de reparar que na mesa 9 tinha um convidado chamado Barata. Isso não gerou nenhuma brincadeira, não?! Eu não ia querer me sentar numa mesa com “barata”! hehehe…


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