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Rainy Day Wedding

Rainy Day Wedding

Boy is it pouring here in California. It rained all night last night, has been raining all morning, and its supposed to keep coming down until Friday.

In lieu of my current water-logged situation, here are some tips to dealing with a wet wedding day:

1) (and this is the most important!) Roll with it!  Don’t worry about the weather- a few raindrops can’t ruin your wedding.

2) If you know there’s a good chance of rain (like, you live in Seattle) then incorporate the weather into your wedding design.

Rainy Wedding Day


3) If you know a couple weeks in advance, use umbrellas as your favors. That will ensure everyone of your guests stays dry. You can buy personalized umbrellas from most Promotional Product websites. You know, the same place you would go to get pens with your company logo imprinted on them. I found umbrellas for as low as $4.50 each.  Wooden handles are a little more, around $7.00.

Rainy Wedding Day


4) Rent a tent! If you live in a rainy area, but have your heart set on an outdoor affair, you should look into renting a tent for your ceremony/reception. A nice, dry, tent in the middle of storm could be so romantic!

5) If you only have a few days notice – don’t fret! Buy some cute rain boots, hitch up your wedding dress, and have fun!

(Target, baby!)

See Also
Viva Magenta

And finally, some inspiration:



xoxo- jenny

View Comments (2)
  • Love this. I had a July wedding here in Colorado that rained off and on all day. We sort of knew it would, but using it as an element of the day would have made it really special, rather than a pain.

    Great stuff.

  • Good point. I dont do weddings that much, but I do alot of outdoor family sessions. Bad weather to me makes it more interesting. Always keep some cute umbrellas in my trunk

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