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Procuring the the mailing addresses for a large wedding can be one of the more frustrating challenges faced by engaged couples, which is why we are ecstatic that Postable has entered the wedding world! In an age when most communication occurs via email, text message and instant chat, even in the workplace, scrounging up all of the mailing addresses for your save-the-dates is a huge feat! Postable is a free website that takes the hassle and anxiety out of gathering mailing address, in a private and secure way! We can only imagine the man-hours that would have been saved if this were around when we got married!

How Postable works:

1. Once you sign up, they give you a link (
2. You send send that link to your friends & family
3. Everybody fills out a 10 second form & your address book fills up with up-to-date info!

Once you have all the info you can export it to excel, send it to your stationer or calligrapher or even print labels yourself. Done and done!

See Also
Italianconvent Wedding

Postable makes gathering mailing address quick and painless, so you can use your time to focus on a wedding project you are really excited about! Head over to the site now and sign up, so you can save yourself time and headache! It couldn’t be simpler.

Packaging sources: polka dot envelopes via, glitter bow via, metallic pencils via

View Comments (4)
  • thank you so much for spreading the word about this site! i signed up immediately and LOVE IT. i am so stoked to finally have all my friends’ and family’s addresses in one safe place that i can access so easily. the exporting feature makes the graphic designer in me super happy!

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