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Photo Prop Ideas

Photo Prop Ideas



Miss Congeniality I am not, so with upcoming wedding pictures on the brain I’ve been thinking about how I can guarantee at least fun photos. One idea I had was to include a prop, a tiny touch of whimsy that hopefully comes off as cheeky and not tacky. Here are a few ideas.

Above, ModCloth has this fantastic lace umbrella on sale for $49.99!  Below, I found this image that I think is darling. Just the simple addition of one pop of color makes this image totally unique. Ziggos Balloons has a large selection of mylar and latex variety.

Okay, now I know this could get way too over the top, but just as an idea, there’s always the fan options.

See Also
Moody Christmas Wedding has a nice selection of Victorian style fans.  Just a few ideas for your Friday. Have a lovely weekend!

Cheers, Kinsey

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