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I Heart NOLA.

I Heart NOLA.

New Orleans, Louisiana that is.  So here is a little of my personal NOLA history.  My twin sister and I went to college in Austin, TX and made a wonderful friend there, Lizzie.  Our freshman year of college Lizzie asked Amanda and me to go to NOLA with her for Mardi Gras.  You see her mother was from there and they all went every year and stayed at her family’s house.  Just to clarify, I really do not frequent the French Quarter (AKA Bourbon Street) at night, I don’t dig crowds and after a few years even witnessing the drunken debauchery becomes old.  I don’t go there for the craziness of Bourbon or to see… exhibitionists.  I go for the love of a city:  the culture, the art, the music, the people, the spirit of survival, the list could go on forever!

So it has become a tradition.  Every year my sister flies into New Orleans and I drive in from Mississippi (less than two hours away) and meet up for our favorite holiday!  This was year nine.  That is why I am a little late in my posting this week, I needed some time to recover my voice and my sleep!  This post doesn’t focus on wedding planning as much, but I was surrounded all weekend by beautiful sights and incredible architecture and I had to share some old photographs of this town I love to people who are sure to appreciate them.  Enjoy! 

Jackson SquareJackson Square

French Quarter near Cafe Du Monde

French Quarter near Cafe Du Monde

Jean Lefittes Blacksmith Shop

See Also
A & H Ardington House

Jean Lefitte’s Blacksmith Shop

Beautiful House in the Garden DistrictBeautiful House in the Garden District

This city is beautiful and inspirational.  I hope you enjoyed the photographs and if you get a chance head down south and check out this great city!

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