Freebie Fridays: Flower Patterned Paper
March 20
These minimalistic flower patterns can make gorgeous wedding invitations! They are all high resolution, so you can print them without looking fuzzy. Imagine all the paper projects you can use these patterns…if you’re good at Illustrator or other design programs you could also color to your like (or your wedding color scheme).
I couldn’t choose just one to post, they are all so beautiful:

All printables courtesy of Pixels and Ice Cream.
Patterns are 12 x 12 inches. Clockwise order for download:
1. Download Flowers First pattern
2. Download Floral Contour Patterned Paper
3. Download Itty Bitty Buds
4. Download Simple Floral Patterned Paper
As always, please read and respect the Terms and Conditions of these free downloads. Enjoy!
thank you for the awesome prints these will be great as envelope liners inside my invitations 🙂