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DIY Rustic Wooden Centerpiece

DIY Rustic Wooden Centerpiece

Our groom contest, Adam, made this charming wooden flower box centerpiece + table number setup. Who wouldn’t want to keep them after the wedding? I envision these wooden planters embellishing their home for years to come. Take note, gentlemen.

 rustic centerpiece ideas

What you’ll need:
– Drill
– Ruler
– 3/4” boring bit
– Countersink bit, thin drilling bit
– 1 x 5.5 x 90 inch Cedar cut into (3) 22 inch pieces and (2) 6 inch pieces (Home depot will cut this for you, a 90 inch board is about $15. Other types of wood are cheaper)
– Wood Stain (we used walnut color) – $5 for a medium sized tub
– Semi Gloss Spray (optional) – $5
– Moss (bought from Michael’s Craft) – $5 for a big bag
– Fake Flowers (bought from Michael’s Craft) – $1 for a few, we cut them off
– Red Straw
– Table Number (make your own)
– Box of 1.25 inch screws (we used black)
– Sand Paper
– Goggles/glasses
– Paint Brush

 wooden box centerpiece
 flower box centerpiece ideas

Step 1: Assuming you got your wood cut at Home Depot (for free), you need to start by building the box frame. If you have a clamp, that will help with the drilling, but is not needed. It is important to first mark your drill marks with a pencil first. Half an inch in from each side will do the trick. Start with the (3) 22 inch pieces first. You want to drill the side walls on top of the bottom piece, not on the sides of it.

Step 2: If you are inexperienced with drilling, we 100% recommend drilling a guide before you drill your screws in. You want to take the really thin drilling bit, and drill through each of your marks. After you do this, you will find drilling your screws in very easy. If you have trouble lining up/holding the wood, you can glue the pieces first with wood glue and then drill your screws.

Step 3: Now that we have the frame, we want to go ahead and drill the side pieces on. You should follow the first step and once again drill guides for your screws again. The side pieces of wood should stick up about an inch from the rest of the box, creating handles.

Step 4: This part is optional, but gives the box a nice look. You want to flip the box on its side and with your 3/4 inch boring bit drill holes into each side. You want to put your glasses on for this as well. Make sure you have your significant other hold the box for you and go slowly and all the way through the wood. Don’t worry about it not being smooth, we are going to sand it later.

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Step 5: Now is the fun part! Before we apply the stain, we want to sand a little. The inside of your box will be a little rough, so take coarse sand paper and go over it. After you use the coarse, go over it with medium sand paper. Make sure to also get the tops and around the hole. We used the sand paper to round the edges a little.

Step 6: Now you want to take your box and go ahead and apply the stain. We went with a walnut oak finish, but feel free to go with something lighter or darker. After the stain is applied, you can feel free to apply a semi gloss finish. This isn’t required, if you like a glossy look then go for it! We applied a few coats of the semi gloss.

Step 7: Your centerpiece is almost finished! Take the moss you bought and fill your box up to the top and a little over. Then take the fake flowers you bought and cut off the heads. Leave a little but of the stem, as it makes sticking it in easier. You can feel free to use real flowers as well for this. We went with a row of 6 flowers and left a space in the middle for the table number. We used a straw to attach the table number and then stuck it into the moss.

Feel free to have fun with the flowers and match the colors of your wedding!

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