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Ask VG: Antique Fan Placecards?

Ask VG: Antique Fan Placecards?

Reader Angela emailed me asking how could she DIY placecards similar to the one on the photo below.

I saw these fabulous escort cards, and I really want to DIY them with an old world twist. Do you know of any templates that exist for this idea?


These escort cards were created by Ceci New York and they were die cut in shape of fans and trimmed with lace. I found a fan template that will give a look similar to the fans below:

(source 1 and 2)

A lot of work if you need to make 200+ fan escort cards using this template! I kept searching the web and found a heart fan card template that could work. They were too large to be used as escort cards, so I created a small version of those cards, perfectly sized for place cards or escort cards. Download Fan Escort Card Template.pdf You’d still need to cut the fans individually, but at least there is no assembly required!

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Hot glue lace trim onto cardstock et voila! I’m just not sure how would the cards stand…any ideas?

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