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Announcing the Prizes!

Announcing the Prizes!

T minus 3 days till we close the gates for submissions to our DIY Contest…have you entered yet? Last week we presented you with the judges, now it’s time to highlight the prizes. First place winner will receive $500 and the sponsors for the second and third prizes are just as impressive. Second place winner will receive $300 from ModCloth to go on a little shopping spree.

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All you have to do enter is send over your best DIY projects that are wedding related with 4-6 images (images need to be at least 600px wide), instructions and a list of materials. Everyone around the globe is welcome to enter! Remember last day to submit your project is Sunday, October 3rd. Above are my picks if I won – and how I wish I could enter myself! That oversized bow hairclip would make a splendid veil tradeoff. We will come next week to highlight third prize sponsor – Silhouette Machine (a $299 value).

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ruffled blog diy contest projects

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