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A little Project…

A little Project…

This is simple, but I just love it.  To remind you of Vintage Glam’s newly outspoken desire to be more environmentally conscious, I’ve opted to share some inspiration that has translated into a plan for not only our wedding, but that will also carry on into our home. You’ll probably die to hear this, but I made a Facebook group asking friends still living on campus and all over Nashville to save all of their glass items. From spaghetti jars to empty liquor bottles and the like, we’ll amass our entire “vase” collection by recycling, and not spending a penny. These will serve for in-window decoration in the sanctuary and downstairs… The natural light will be beautiful shining through the glass. So serene, so far from prissy, still has so much personality. I’ve found plenty of these at flea markets and antique stores, but wouldn’t buying them defeat our purposes? However, my fiance’s grandmother did say she’s going to let us borrow some of her vintage ones for the big day. No complaints from me!!

Ok, enough explanation. Just look:


one more…

See Also
Alice & Michael

Images taken from My Window, A Backyard Wedding, and Crate and Barrel. : )

I received confirmation that this is actually “OK” by both my mother and Target today, as the store is replicating this look with fake flowers. Imitation is the highest form of flattery, right?!

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