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Who says you can’t teach an old brooch new tricks?

Who says you can’t teach an old brooch new tricks?

One of the items that has been passed down in my family has been a gorgeous antique cameo brooch. My grandma gave it to me when she passed on. I was desperately trying to figure out how to incorporate the piece into my wedding day when I stumbled upon this image:

and the close up...

Featured in Modern Bride.

Pinning my family heirloom to my bouquet? I will most definitely be using this!  What an easy way to show off any antique brooches, earrings, or anything else you could possibly affix to a ribbon.

When my best friend Nicole got married in October, she attached a brooch to a ribbon and tied it around her wrist for a chic vintage glam bracelet. (ahem…technically I tied it around her wrist…)  🙂

those are my lovely hands fixing the bow...

See Also
Soft Lilac Wedding Dress Ruffles

final product

Any other fun ways to incorporate your favorite vintage jewelry?  (besides wearing it, of course)   I’d love to hear ’em!

xoxo – jenny

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