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Well suited.

Well suited.

The three piece suit was born back in the seventeenth century in England, but it only became popular in the United States in the late 1800s. Between WWI and WWII, the three piece suit was replaced by simpler suit styles, up until the 70s with the arrival of the Disco exaggerated lapels. There’s a whole book about the history of the three piece suit if you’re ever interested in learning more…but I think that’s more than enough that you need to know.

The good ol’ three piece suit has come a long way…

3 Piece Suits

Suit by Valentino. Shirt by Gucci. Tie by Dunhill.

3 Piece Suits

Suit by Ralph Lauren Purple Label. Shirt by Lorenzini. Tie by Seaward and Stern.

3 Piece Suits

See Also
couple portrait at Kona Beach

Suit by Dsquared. Shirt by Daniel Cremieux. Tie by Hermès. Shoes by Johnston & Murphy.

And speaking of suits, GQ just wrote an article on how to buy a suit. A good read if your fiance is planning on buying a new suit. The one rule with wearing a suit and matching vest is: the shirt and tie should never peek between the vest and trousers (nor your bare skin).

*all images from

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