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Simplified Hotel Bookings with Skipper

Simplified Hotel Bookings with Skipper

We wish we knew about when planning our own weddings! With all of the seemingly endless details of wedding planning, researching hotels and reserving a block of rooms for your guests may feel like another overwhelming task, but Skipper takes the guesswork out of that “to do” item, while saving you and your guests money. , formerly Jetaport, is an online service that streamlines the group hotel booking process, making it simple and easy for you!


technology takes the traditionally offline business process online for a more simplified experience. Their booking process is very easy, intuitive and each client gets a dedicated Travel Advisor to be their room blocking ambassador. saves brides and grooms time and money, with an average savings of 15% off hotel rates. They also work with a fantastic selection of hotels – everything from cute & trendy boutique hotels to tried & true national hotel chains.



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personalized Trip Dashboard (where you can review, compare and accept offers) and their e-contract simplify reserving wedding room blocks for all parties involved. Oh, also, perhaps most importantly, is a free service for brides and grooms! They get paid by the hotel, so no fee is passed on to you! Let SkipperĀ check off another item on your “to do” list, and head over to , so they can reserve a block of rooms in a great hotel for your wedding today.

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