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Neckties for your honey!

Neckties for your honey!

I just thought I’d share a great website I stumbled upon.

The name says it all! There’s a pretty hefty selection of 1940’s through 1960’s neckties, as well as bow ties. Now, don’t get me wrong, they’re not all ‘wedding-ready,’ some are downright hideous. But, as I’ve mentioned before the kitschy ones are the best to find. They provide a good laugh:

Man, oh man. I imagine the original owner of that particular tie to be a used car salesman in the 50’s. Whoever he was, he must of had been a cut-up.

Back to the useful ones:

If the ties on that website aren’t your cup of tea, there’s also:

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abracadabraa vintage

And finally, here’s a whole blog about vintage ties. You can’t buy them, but you can hear about them. I can’t tell if the guy has a weird sense of humor or just totally, completely, head over heels in love with vintage ties. You will have to be the judge. At any rate, I’m definitely subscribing to his future posts.

xoxo – jenny

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