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Keep Good Going with New York Life

Keep Good Going with New York Life

While we do love untraditional weddings here at Ruffled, we also adore weddings filled with personal touches in the form of family heirlooms or traditions, which is why we are smitten with New York Life‘s video below which showcased 3 generations of women, wearing the same beautiful gown who got married on the same day of the year! What a lovely way to honor to the women who’ve raised and loved you. Are there any particular family traditions or heirloom details you are including in your wedding? Even if you don’t wear the same exact gown, we love when brides incorporate a piece of their mother’s or grandmother’s wedding dress into some aspect of the day and we’ve come up with a list of 5 ways to incorporate family history into your wedding day.

family photos at weddings
1. Using family photos to remember relatives who are no longer with us.

white bridesmaid dresses
2. In this wedding, the couple used an old family recipe for their wedding cake.

black and yellow bridesmaids dresses
3. This bride wore her mother’s dress for reception – a gorgeous beaded short number!

family heirloom at wedding locket
4. Using a locket with a photo of your late mother or father on your bouquet.

vintage wedding dress from mother of bride
5. Altering your mother’s wedding dress to wear on your wedding day.

See Also
Cameron & Erin Proudluck

Isn’t that video sweet? Leave a comment below of how you might incorporate your family hisory into your wedding day with the hashtag #KeepGoodGoing. We’re excited to hear your creative ideas!

This post has been sponsored by New York Life. To learn more, visit

Photo credits 1, Tammy Swales Photography; 2, Luisa Brimble; 3, Sweet Little Photographs; 4, Tec Petaja; and 5, Emily Johnston Anderson

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