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I think Sew…

I think Sew…

I consider myself to be an entry level crafty person.  I can be creative and I definitely dream big (as you can see from my last post) when it comes to wedding crafts and projects.  So I have been tirelessly searching the blog world, craft stores and photo sites for inspiration and ideas. 

Enter Amy Butler.  Amy Butler is a designer extraordinaire with everything from fabric, to patterns to home decor!  She is like a chameleone of creativity.  If you have not seen here website and you enjoy sewing I highly recommend it.  I have her book In Stitches  and find all of the projects doable for a person with basic sewing/sewing machine skills. 

I am considering a few things from her repertoire for bridesmaids gifts.  Check these out!

Cute Clutch!
Cute Clutch!


Awesome Tote!
Awesome Tote!


Plus I LOVE aprons!  They are so retro and sweet.  Here is one from Amy Butler’s line:

Sweet Little Apron.
Sweet Little Apron.


But, if you are an apron lover too, there are sew many apron pattern books!  (yes the “sew” pun was intended)

See Also
Karen + Chris

All the links below came from

A is for Apron

Fantastic Aprons

The Apron Book

More Aprons!
More Aprons!

So there you are.  I love handmade aprons and totes and clutches, Oh My!  What little handmade beauties are you considering for the lovely ladies in your wedding?

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