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DIY Tuesdays: Vintage hearts ring bowl

DIY Tuesdays: Vintage hearts ring bowl

DIY Ring Bowl made with vintage pearls

One of my favorite bloggers, Heather Bullard, created this marvelous DIY project that could be easily turned into a DIY vintage ring bowl. This project will require many strands of old faux pearl necklaces, but you can find them at thrift shops or flea markets for a few bucks. I added instructions on how to adapt this project to make a ring bowl as well so I don’t leave you in the dark wondering how to!

DIY Ring Bowl made with vintage pearls

What you’ll need:

  • 3 wooden hearts (can be found at Michaels or Joann’s)
  • craft paint (mod podge may work as well)
  • strands of old faux pearl necklaces
  • Martha’s Glitter Glue
  • a drill or small nails and a hammer (to poke a hole to turn into a ring bowl)
  • Antiquing Glaze (to give the wooden hearts an aged look)
  • Step 1: To make a ring bowl from this project, I would first drill (or hammer) to small holes at the top of the heart. That way you can thread a ribbon or yarn to tie the rings later.

    Step 2: paint the back of the wooden heart.

    Step 3: once the back of the wooden heart is dry, apply a think coat of glue on the main part of the wooden heart. Remember the holes I asked you make? Cover them with toothpicks for now. Using several different strands creates great texture and depth of color.

    Step 4: While the glue was still damp I filled the inside with enough pearls to cover completely and gently pressed down on them to set them. You may have to go back and fill in a couple loose ones later.

    Step 5: Brush antiquing glaze to age them a bit. Once they’re dry, remove the toothpicks and thread a think ribbon or yarn. Tie the rings et voila!

    DIY Ring Bowl made with vintage pearls

    See Also
    Modern Medieval Castle Wedding Central Florida

    DIY Ring Bowl made with vintage pearls

    DIY Ring Bowl made with vintage pearls

    *all images by Heather Bullard

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