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DIY teacup centerpieces

DIY teacup centerpieces

I found this very cute flower arrangement on

(Yes, like the T.V. station – and no, I will not admit to watching those movies… Except for that one time when I was home sick…)

    What you need:

  • cutting surface
  • craft knife
  • floral oasis
  • teacup
  • flowers

1. Working on the cutting surface, use your craft knife to shape the oasis so it fits snugly into the teacup. Cut and fit as you go so you don’t cut off too much.

2. Push the oasis into the teacup and moisten it with water.

3. Cut the flowers’ stems down to size and push them into the oasis. Use as many flowers as necessary to create a tight cluster.

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Flea markets and thrift stores are great places to look for teacups – although the yellow cup in the first image is from anthropologie. (wasn’t mentioned in the article, but I have their catalogue memorized…)

xoxo- jenny

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