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Discover your Scent with Pinrose

Discover your Scent with Pinrose

is reimagining the way we shop for our favorite scents. With catchy names such as Sugar Bandit and Campfire Rebel and a fun quiz to take online, these make awesome gifts for all of your girlies in your life.

Start 2015 with a new scent that will make this year all the more memorable. Did you know that scent is a powerful memory trigger? You have probably noticed that a particular smell quickly unleashes vivid memories. This is because the area of the brain that houses emotional memory is closely associated with the nerve which processes scent. Whether you are newly engaged or your wedding is just days away, consider marking the next few months with a gorgeous new scent that will, in later years, evoke strong memories of this magical period of time. offers a super fun quiz, to help you quickly narrow down their ten perfumes to your scent match. Inspired by synesthesia, this online tool will create your scent map using colors, sounds, and texture. After doing the short you’ll be paired up with the three most ideal scents (try and tell me you didn’t bop along, you’ll know what I mean). Once you’ve reached this point you’ll have the option of sampling them at home. And isn’t trying things at home kind of the best? Want to try out all ten perfumes? Go ahead and order the sample pack and you’ll receive them each in individual towelettes. We love that you’ll have your Petal Pack, the perfumed towelette, delivered to your door. Bypass the sales counter and the over the top perfume spritzing lady. Try a scent today and then try the next tomorrow. I guarantee you’ll find its far easier to make a decision trying out perfume on your own terms than trying to decipher between the scents that can bombard at the beauty counters.

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Felicia + Daniel | August ,

Ruffled readers can score 10% off their purchases using code: RUFFLED. Be sure to tell us which scent you’ll be trying out next year!

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