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Book Discounted Hotel Room Blocks with Jetaport

Book Discounted Hotel Room Blocks with Jetaport

Before you send out Hotel Accommodations with your wedding invitations, check out Jetaport! Jetaport is the go to site for block hotel room at deeply discounted rates, saving you + your guests up to 75% on hotel rooms. It is a free service – there no are fees or charges for booking with Jetaport. Better yet, you can find hotel options all in one place!

Just type in where and when your wedding is and how many rooms you think you might need. Then you can select your favorite 4 hotels in the area. Jetaport reaches out to the hotels on your behalf and neatly organizes all of your offers in your Jetaport dashboard. You’ll have a dedicated Jetaport Travel Advisor to help you every step of the way and answer any questions you might have.

Jetaport is the best and easiest way to book your wedding room block. The idea was born when the founder Jason Shames was getting married. Having gone through the process of finding and securing hotel room blocks for his own wedding, he knew there had to be an easier, less stressful way to offer guests discounted accommodations. From then on, the concept has remained pretty simple.

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What makes Jetaport an important wedding tool is that whether you’re having guests coming from out of town or having a Destination Wedding, chances are you will be looking at hotel accommodations for them. And before you do, skip jumping through hoops of dealing with each hotel individually and pick your options with Jetaport. Your guests will thank you!

Jetaport also has a couple of treats for Ruffled readers. They’re offering to set up a custom landing page for you to send to your guests with details of the hotel and instructions on how to reserve a room in the room block and more. Additionally, if you instagram a picture with your wedding guests and use the hashtag #JetaportWedding, they’ll send you cash back for 1% of your wedding block value!

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  • I am in the Invitation and Stationery business and used Jetaport for a client’s wedding in NY. It was as easy as they state. The group rate the hotel gave the couple initially, was so much higher than the rate Jetaport was able to secure for their 5+ hotel rooms they needed for their wedding guests. Their savings were significant – for them and their guests and so much less brain damage. I will use them again.

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