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A little help, please!

A little help, please!

I can’t decide whether or not I like the ideas of balloons at weddings or not. I found these images in an older Martha Stewart:


I was looking for ways to distract guest eyes away from the horrible (horrible) carpets and walls in our reception hall.

Now, on a side note, the decor is actually not THAT bad. Maroon and Hunter Green floral carpet – with Gold Walls… Okay the carpet is bad, but the walls would be amazing if we had gold in our color scheme. But, since the colors we decided on were pastel grey, pink and bright green, those wall are looking pretty bad.

Fun 50’s style balloons would definitely draw the eye upwards and away from the carpets. That’s the plus side.

See Also
raphy Submission

But, one mis-step, and the whole reception could look very cheesy. I’m talking 8-year-old-birthday-party cheesy. What do you think? I need some help here.


View Comment (1)
  • Hi,
    I’m actually with the exact same problem! I can’t figure out if balloons are tacky or not! Have you come up with a conclusion regarding that?


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