Freebie Fridays: Wine Label Template
Wine table numbers is probably the coolest table number idea I’ve ever seen. It’s been a while since I created some printable goodies for my darling readers so I made these wine table numbers for you! Print on 8.5″x11″ sheet labels (you can purchase label sheets from To remove the original label, soak your bottles in warm water with dish soap for a few minutes and the label should come off easily.
If you do not have Adobe Acrobat yet, you can download it for free here.

These labels will specially look cute if printed on ivory cardstock! Each table number is 4″x5″.
Download wine labels template tables 1 to 4
Download wine labels template tables 5 to 8
Download wine labels template tables 9 to 12
Download wine labels template tables 13 to 16
Hi I really want to use these but i need table numbers up to 50! is it possible to get them?
I Would love to use these but I need to go to 40. Ist hat possible?
We need numbers up to 30. Please advise how I can change these to accommodate more numbers. Thanks.
Hi – we also could use numbers up to 40 or even 44. Can you advise if there are options for this? I do really like these!
I really love the number labels you have created. I was wanting to use them for something different though and I only need the numbers 1-5 and 10, 15, 20, 25, and 50. And I just need the numbers, no lettering on them. Is that possible? I would really appreciate it!
Used these templates for our annual scholarship banquet! Thank you so much! These were perfect!
These were perfect! We have 23 tables, so the numbers were just enough. Thank you very much! Very appreciated!
The links are not working. Is there another way to download these files?
I Would love to use these but I need to go to 40. Is that possible?
I need 28, can I do that??
These are really amazing, so simple and so chic!
Is it possible to get numbers up to 40?
Thanks a lot!
Hi please let me know what font and size is that you have used.
These are great! Thank you! I need up to # 29. Is it possible to get the additional numbers? If not, can you tell me the font so I can try to make my own?
Thank you! These were just what I needed for our event!