You are a Gem Candy Treats

With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, what better way is there to start celebrating than with a sweet treat you can make at home? Kathryn Godwin of Studio Cultivate is with us to show how to make these gemstone hard candies, with images captured by Emily Chidester Photography.
-candy thermometer
-silicone candy/ice mold (ours was from here)
2 cups white sugar
1 cup water
2/3 cup corn syrup
1 teaspoon flavored oil (we used peppermint oil)
1 teaspoon food coloring (or less to preference)
1. In a saucepan, stir together sugar, water and corn syrup. Bring to boil over medium-high heat. Using a candy thermometer, cook to around 300-310 degrees. It is not necessary to keep stirring during this time, as this will cause bubbles to form and set when the candy hardens.
2. Remove from heat and stir in flavored oil and food coloring, the less food coloring you use the lighter the tint of color.
3. Using a spoon, ladle into silicone mold. If the candy starts to harden in the saucepan sooner than you can fill all the molds, you can place back over heat to melt again, until you have removed it all from the pan.
4. You can use any candy/ice silicone mold. We chose a diamond ice mold.
5. After allow candy to set, remove from mold and bundle in cellophane bags, add a twist tie and sweet card. These make perfect treats for your maidens, or party favors!