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Vintage Café Newlywed Shoot

Vintage Café Newlywed Shoot

Oh, wait til you see this! Amanda from In The Now came up with a sweet “walk of shame” theme, where the newlywed couple goes to a Café and lost track of time chatting the night away. Shot by Adrienne Gunde, and a team of talented vendors in SoCal who made this all happen!

Vintage Cafe wedding ideas outdoors
From Amanda, of In The Now Weddings:
The idea is that these two order a slice of cake, a tea, and a coffee, and chat the night away until the cafe closes and as they walk down a quiet side road in the breaking dawn… they give a whole new meaning to the term “walk of shame”. At a quaint cafe, open late, laughing and loving the night away until dawn strikes and they mosey on towards home. It’s a sweet “walk of shame”- like you spent the WHOLE night out and you’re walking down the road now barefoot, shoes in hand, veil off and hair let loose, ready to head to sleep finally.

Vintage wedding dress lace and tulle and pink bridal cardigan

The newlywed couple is reveling in the memories of their wedding day. Their feet ache, her head hurts from being pinned up, they’re exhausted… but they’re elated. Full of joy. Full of newness, hope, and love. Full of lemon crumble cake!

Wedding Vendors (Trabuco Canyon, CA):

Photography: Adrienne Gunde / Styling: In The Now, Amanda + Rachel / Rentals: Classic Party Rentals / Furniture and Decor: Jeni @ {found} Vintage Rentals; In The Now / Hair/Makeup: Carlie Buys at Carlie B / Vintage Wedding Dress: The Vintage Bride / Veil: Candi Merle @ Crowning Glory Veils / Models: Nick Bowser of Crafthouse Productions and his lovely wife, Yanessa/ Logos and Menu Design: Karrie Pyke Designs/ Location: Trabuco Canyon, CA

See Also

p.s.: the vintage wedding dress is available for sale. Click here for more info.

Stay tuned for part II!

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