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The Scoop On Pins for the Wedding Party

The Scoop On Pins for the Wedding Party

I’m obviously a fan of doing things myself. Randomly enough, I’ve taken 2 classes on floral design, so I figured I’d make the corsages and boutonnieres for my Mom and his Mom, and my sister-in-law who is Day-Of-Directing. Our plan regarding flowers of any kind is to NOT use a florist, but actually head to the ever-reliable Farmer’s Market the day before the wedding. However, this puts a major time crunch and unnecessary stress on me! Dad, who is a Horticulturist and Floral Designer, has offered to put together all of the bouquets, and my aunt, an interior designer, will be assembling the floral arrangements for the reception. As these are their only “responsibilities” there won’t be stress on them despite the closeness to the festivities.

Enter the timely and free alternative: All corsages and bout’s to be pinned will be made of fabric that I own, and well ahead of time. I’ve almost completed the corsages, and actually made more than I expected! We’re having 6 total photographers (I’ll explain in a future post why we’re actually having more help than EVOKE can offer). Next on my list are the corsages for guestbook attendants, cake table attendants, and so on, then the bout’s for the groomsmen and ushers (which I’m showing the inspiration for in the last photo).

I used a tutorial found on Maize in Montana via 2000 Dollar Wedding.

Mother-of-the-Bride (wearing coral), Mother-of-the-Groom (wearing champagne), Day-of-Director, Pastor Pins:

The Big-Wig Photographer’s Pin:

See Also
Woodland Bohemian Wedding Beer Stein Escort Cards

The Photo Booth Photographers’ Pins:

The Plan for Boutonnieres, from Martha:

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