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Globetrotter Glam Inspiration

Globetrotter Glam Inspiration

Being whisked away on a romantic trip for a proposal pretty much sums up the dreamiest setup for popping up the question. This inspiration shoot that Kelly Benton Photography, Grace Whalen and Skye Eaton from Whalen Creative Group is great for couples with the traveling bug. What better way to celebrate a wedding than with a globetrotter glam inspiration?

mint wedding inspiration // photo by Kelly Benton Photography

mint wedding inspiration // photo by Kelly Benton Photography
mint wedding inspiration // photo by Kelly Benton Photography
mint wedding inspiration // photo by Kelly Benton Photography
mint wedding inspiration // photo by Kelly Benton Photography
mint wedding inspiration // photo by Kelly Benton Photography

From the photographer, Kelly Benton: There’s not much to do when it’s March and you’re a wedding photographer in snowy Northern Indiana. Consultations and the occasional engagement shoot have kept me mildly entertained, but I was ready for wedding season! With it getting snowier and colder each passing week, I knew if I wanted some real wedding fun, I’d have to create it myself! So I came up with a color scheme: gold, mint, and a touch of light pink. I added globes and vintage maps because I love them (and who doesn’t)! It was time to start calling local vendors.

mint wedding inspiration // photo by Kelly Benton Photography
mint wedding inspiration // photo by Kelly Benton Photography
mint wedding inspiration // photo by Kelly Benton Photography
mint wedding inspiration // photo by Kelly Benton Photography
mint wedding inspiration // photo by Kelly Benton Photography
mint wedding inspiration // photo by Kelly Benton Photography
mint wedding inspiration // photo by Kelly Benton Photography
mint wedding inspiration // photo by Kelly Benton Photography

This shoot could not have come together any easier. Every single vendor I contacted was immediately on board. I don’t know if it’s because inspiration shoots are sort of rare in Fort Wayne… or if they were just as bored as I was, but each vendor seemed more excited than the last.

Some fun tidbits about our details…
• The watch our bride is wearing was a $5 score from the thrift store.
• The glittered champagne glasses were created in less than an hour using Mod Podge and loose gold glitter from the craft store.
• The globes were found, borrowed, or purchased off Craigslist for less than $20 each.
• The cake stand was made by gluing together a $1 ceramic pillar from the thrift store and a platter from IKEA, then spray painting them gold.
• The old cart was found in A Party Apart’s warehouse, being used to move large wall pieces.
• The map garland was made from cutting up an old atlas, then threading bakers twine through it with an upholstery needle.
• The backdrop to the cake table is a brass headboard I found on Craigslist.
• The quote on the canvas is from Dave Matthews Band’s “You and Me”, which was my husband and I’s first dance song at our wedding.

See Also
Philbrook Museum

View all images from this shoot in the gallery

Shoot Location: Fort Wayne, IN / Photography: Kelly Benton Photography / Coordinator/Designer: Grace Whalen and Skye Eaton from Whalen Creative Group / Flowers + Hair Piece: Be Married / Dress: One Fine Day (Ginny by Modern Trousseau) / Cake: For Goodness Cakes / Hair + Makeup: Tangles Salon / Rentals: A Party Apart / Invitations: Oak & Orchid / Menu + Place Cards: Be Married / Loft: Private space owned by A Party Apart

View Comments (7)
  • I LOVE the globe guest book. It’s my favorite idea in a while. Too bad I already had my wedding. Maybe I’ll just do it anyway – have our friends and family sign when they come over to visit our new apartment. Or if not I’ll just save the idea for the next event I help coordinate. It’s just so cute 🙂

  • Great work! I may just steal the gold flag cocktail stirrers and gold-dipped glasses for my next holiday party… Also agree with Cristina. I’m already a Mrs, but I totally want to use the globe signing idea!

  • Stunning colour scheme! Love the globe idea! Im sure our customers at are sure to agree!

  • Hi,
    Questions, I was wondering if you anyone knew were to find those beautiful mint green vases? I tried clicking the florist site but it did not come up. Thanks!

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