Elegant Nashville Fall Wedding

Listen up, guys and gals… It’s actually a bit absurd how good this wedding from Austin Gros and Big Events Wedding is. I’m just going to warn you now that you’ll probably want to set aside some time to soak in all the details, because they’re not even just good, they’re everywhere. Adair and Kane’s wedding in Nashville is the perfect welcome for fall, which is just right around the corner!
From the bride, Adair: Kane and I both felt very strongly about getting married in Nashville. We had both left our homes and moved to Nashville alone to start a life for ourselves. And roughly seven years later, we were starting to put our family roots down in Nashville together. Kane also wanted to get married in the fall. The native trees in Australia don’t turn and Tennessee has one of prettiest displays of fall foliage known to man. He wanted his family and friends to experience that and I loved the idea of everyone coming to our town and getting to experience a little piece of our life.
Bouquet recipe: Garden roses, various types of eucalyptus to pay homage to my husband’s homeland, as well as kangaroo paw and gum nuts. Orchids, ranunculus, hydrangeas etc…
I wanted the day/night to move progressively and we wanted each space to be different from the last. The flowers and decor were to get deeper in color, as the daylight got more scarce. Each space would be slightly more elegant than the last. The ceremony would be during daylight with softer colors of blush, nude and cream and more natural, organically shaped arrangements. The cocktail hour at the pavilion would be at dusk and more color was introduced in the arrangements and decor. With sunset at 6:02 and dinner at 6:15 the greenhouse would be illuminated with candlelight and moonlight and would be dripping in jewel toned, lush arrangements with a bit more structure.
We wanted the day to feel intimate and private. We chose to have only 65 of our closest family and friends. It was really important to us that the day be about us officially starting our lives together. We didn’t want to invite anyone out of obligation. We also didn’t want to meet anyone for the first time on the most important day of our lives. We wanted to enjoy the day and actually get a chance to speak to everyone that we hold so dearly to us. It wasn’t just about us, it was about us sharing the moment with everyone that has supported us and helped us grow as individuals and as a couple. We also chose to not have any bridesmaids or groomsmen for this very reason. Everyone attending has been a part of our lives separately or together and made an incredible impact on us.
It’s really hard to pick just one moment for a favorite. The first moment we saw each other will always be what I think about. How his face lit up like a little kid excited to see Santa Claus. I had several people tell me after the ceremony that they had never seen a happier groom. We both loved the moment after we walked up the aisle as husband and wife. We finally got to see each other and catch up for the first time all day. We sat in the horse drawn carriage while our guests were taken to cocktail hour and talked about how we were so impressed that neither of us cried and how excited we were for the rest of the day. We spent the next hour getting our family photos and then our bridal photos snapped and had a ball. The pressure was off and it was party time.