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DIY Beaded Wire Letters

DIY Beaded Wire Letters

I found DIY project that would go perfectly with an Art Deco wedding!

These wired letters from Martha Stewart would look lovely hanging from the bride & groom chairs or from church doors. What else says more Art Deco than pearls?

What you need:

-16 gauge wire

See Also
Sharon & Bryce

-beads (use color beads to match your wedding colors!)


Tip: Use a script font and print it in the size you would like for a template.

View Comments (3)
  • Sooooo Cute!!! I’m going to make these for my nieces for Christmas gifts. I’m a jewelry maker and already have the beads/pearls. Two questions:

    1) What font did you use for the sample “L”?
    2) What TYPE of wire. I know 16 Ga but just wire you can buy from the hardware or jewelry wire?

    Thanks for such a great gift idea!!!

    Warmly, Marie

  • I would also like to make this for my niece for Christmas and would like the answers to Marie’s questions as well! This is adorable and I’m excited to make it!

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