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DIY Strike-Anywhere Match Jars

DIY Strike-Anywhere Match Jars

Today’s entry for the DIY Favor Contest is sent in by Mandy Fowler. These little match jars are way, way too adorable, and just imagine all the puns you can play with!

An important note before you begin: The most crucial detail about this project is that you absolutely MUST use β€œstrike anywhere” matches. Matches that say β€œstrike on box” on them will not work and will make you cry tears of bitter frustration before tossing back a whiskey and everyone knows you don’t even like whiskey. I found mine at Ace Hardware, and I believe you can also find them at Target.

DIY Striking Match Jars

For this project, you’ll need:
-glass spice jars
-black fine grit sandpaper (I used 220-b)
-“strike anywhere” wooden matches
-glue (I used a silicone adhesive, but you could use craft glue)
-mailing labels or whatever you want to use as a label
-an old pair of scissors

DIY Striking Match Jars

1. Remove the plastic sprinkle top from your jarβ€”use a knife to pry out if necessary.

DIY Striking Match Jars

2. Use the plastic top to trace a circle on the back of your sandpaper sheetβ€”or, trace around the lid. You want a circle that’s slightly smaller than the lid on your spice jar. When you’ve got one, cut it out with an old pair of scissors.

DIY Striking Match Jars

3. I used a silicone adhesive to glue the sandpaper to the lid– you could probably use another type of glue (maybe superglue?), but I like the adhesive because it bonds really well and spreads nicely.

DIY Striking Match Jars

4. Using a toothpick, spread your adhesive evenly over the back of the sandpaper circleβ€”don’t overdo it, you don’t want excess glue squeezing out. If it does, just wipe it off with a paper towel.

See Also
Shamira + Eric | July ,

DIY Striking Match Jars

5. Center on top of the lid and press down firmly.

6. While that’s drying, you can work on your label. I used a simple mailing label that I printed off with a typewriter font. For something extra fancy, you could use a small scrap of vintage paper to add a cute background before affixing your label. Add some matches and you’re done!

DIY Striking Match Jars

Reminder: Our DIY Favor Contest is still open to submissions! Be sure to submit your crafty beauties by April 3rd.

View Comments (24)
  • What a great idea. These jars would be perfect pretty much anywhere. And, they could even be a really creative wedding gift idea. I am a bridesmaid in a wedding in June, it’d be cool to make these for the bride/groom as a little something extra!

  • This is a cute play on words project.

    But another nice thing about it is that they are small enough to actually be useful in real world situations. They fit readily into a backpack or hiker’s pouch for those situations when us Scouts need to ‘Be Prepared.’

    Well done. πŸ™‚

  • OMG! Too cute…I love the “perfect match” This is great! and what cute little jars!

  • Ah these are so cute and actually useul!!

    I’m relatively positive you can find these jars at Hobby Lobby or Michael’s. HobLob has their glassware on sale for %50 off every couple of weeks so hopefully you can score a sweet deal!

    And I know for a fact that I’ve seen them at Old Time Pottery in large quantities, for pretty cheap.

  • Love it! Like someone already said, these are cute, whimsical, yet practical! Can’t get better than that! Thanks for a great tut!

  • If you have a Cricut you can do this same thing but with glass etching.

    LOVE IT!

  • hi ladies (and gents) – i just wanted to give anyone a heads up that is planning on doing these. my fiance and i are currently making these. according to a salesman at menards “strike anywhere” matches have been outlawed. i’m not sure if that is just in my state (wisconsin) or everywhere. however, we did find them at a local hardware store. so if you don’t find them at a big chain, maybe try a smaller, local store. also, the sandpaper. 220 grit does not come in black. the colors signify the sandpaper grit, and you can’t get different textures in different colors. since the matches are “strike anywhere” we are forgoing the sandpaper step all together.

  • I tried 4 different grates of sandpaper πŸ™ and did not get it to work πŸ™ so I had to tape the part on the side of the match box onto lid πŸ™

  • Strike anywhere matches have not been outlawed anywhere. They are very legal. Some retailer insurance policies prevent the product from being sold in stores they cover because the insurance company lists them as dangerous goods. The matches can be found at any camping/ survival supply retailer or amazon.

  • Theses would be a terrible idea for a wedding with any children or teenagers around.

  • Hi!

    I’m helping a friend of mine plan her wedding and a bunch of favour ideas were being tossed around…till we came upon this idea off pinterest, to which I eventually found the original post and tutorial πŸ˜€

    This is such a cute! idea and my friend is so excited to use it in her wedding–


  • I love this! My fiancΓ© and I met on Match so these are the perfect favor! (Kenny + Suzanne – a perfect match). I created a custom label…and am putting them together this weekend. I can’t wait to see how they turn out πŸ™‚

  • These are VERY flammable. They can ignite just from being struck on the tip sharply. Dipping the ends (1/2 to 3/4″) in melted wax and cooling, will cushion the ends and provide a longer light. It also waterproofs them for outdoor use. (If you’re really careful, you can drip a lit candle on them instead of melting a pot of wax.)

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