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Freebie Fridays: Nice Book Fonts for Invitations

Freebie Fridays: Nice Book Fonts for Invitations

Posting a bit late today, but I couldn’t wait till next week to share these fonts with you. Here is a list of my favorite fonts for invitations you can download for free (click to install):

1. Perpetua Titling

2. Carlos DB

3. Copperplate Gothic Light

4. Copperplate Gothic Bold

5. Goudy Old Style

6. Elephant

7. Albertus

8. Avant Garde Gothic

9. Bell MT

10. High Tower Text

11. Walkway Expand

How to Install Fonts on PC:

See Also

1.Download font

2. Start Menu > Control Panel > Fonts

3. Drag file onto Fonts folder

How to Install Fonts on a Mac:

1.Download font.

2.Put the files into /Library/Fonts (for all users)

For more info on how to install fonts under different platforms, check out this tutorial from

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